Friday, February 5, 2010

Classes Begin

This morning, I was walking the 20 minutes to class at the agriculture campus when I saw a small, brown crab crushed on  the top of a sewage drain. I'm not going to lie,  this really confused me. Pietermaritzburg is 60 km of the coast. Why would a crab be here? It's wasn't the type of crab that you eat and it's not like it just decided to go on vacation and take a comvee to PMB. And I doubt a bird could have brought it that far so I don't get it?
I've attended 4 of my 5 classes. So far I am really excited for 2, at ease about 1, and intimated by 1.
The sustainable agricultural development class, which I attended this morning, is exactly what I wanted to take. We will have a experimental garden, which we will farm, and talk about agroecology, food security, and all that fun stuff. The professor is really knowledgable and brings in so many good examples which apply to South Africa and the world.
The biogeography and climate change class seems like a lot of work but will be well worth it. The professor is quite opinionated but is very confident and knowledgable. It will be interesting because this is a 3rd year course but we are covering basic biology and evolution, which is not taught in lower levels. I was told to 'tread lightly'.
South African literature will be good and I will enjoy the reading but I really don't want to buy the books. If I could bring them home it would be different but books are so heavy. I don't know... maybe I can find a way to bring them back.
Soccer and globalization is a cool topic, but it seems like it's going to be a lot of work and a lot of reading and I don't want to stress out over it. But then again, I've only attended 1 lecture so maybe it's not as bad as it seems.
The frustrating thing is I have 10 minutes between some of my classes but the walk between campuses is 20 minutes. Kind of makes things problamatic don't you think?
I've joined the soccer team and the mountain club (hiking, climbing, backpacking) both of which I am very excited for. However, I don't know what to do about soccer. I really want to play, but I don't want to have it dictate my life. It's frustrating because I don't think I can give a proper commitment because I want to have some time free to go backpacking and climbing. Hopefully it will work out. I don't know what to do.

Alright well, it's the beginning of my weekend. My friday class is cancelled for the day, which is nice. However, I need to start studying for other classes and figure out the book situation.

Love and miss you all!

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